Two days after the midterm elections, before the final counts were made and even before CNN had declared their winners (an event that comes long before the voters’ choice is actually determined), election coverage was eclipsed by “FALLEN STAR” Charlie Sheen, whose rumored tantrum and general reputation was deemed by CNN to be more important than any in-depth epic piece about the voting system that nobody trusts, or the election results that CNN really never waits for. In the piece, the ethical questions are directed outward from the glass house that is the CNN newsroom. CNN loves crowning winners, which, again, is why they announce the winners of our national elections before the vote is counted and then move on, ignoring the actual count, as well as any contests they couldn’t get good odds on. That also may be why the have a best-person-in-the-world contest: CNN HEROS. Maybe this is some kind of winner-or-loser contest with them: talking to Sheen and Tom Sizemore.Or maybe their anchor just loves bad boys.