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    Incurably Uncertain – Diebold Vote Tampering in Memphis, Tennessee

    MEMPHIS, TN -- A standoff over allegations of electronic voting fraud in a Memphis, Tennessee election has voters concerned and lawyers up in arms — but where is the media? Oh, they’re here. We know because the bus just passed them. They’re in Memphis to visit a construction site for a new mosque.

    Meanwhile in Shelby County, candidate for Sheriff Randy Wade is claiming his election night victory was stolen from him due to vote tampering. Election fraud expert Bev Harris claimed, “This is the most brutal voter disenfranchisement and election tampering case we have witnessed yet.” Allegations of fraud have spread to at least ten candidates in Memphis as election auditors are refused any and all access to the Diebold voting machine results.

    The problems with the Diebold/ESS invisible-voting machines are too numerous to mention and the problems with the election in Memphis are better described by Bev Harris’s website, Black Box Voting.

    The right to vote is not being taken away by technical trickery alone. The incompetence of our own Justice Department has led to felons and the deceased being counted in the vote.

    There is no other way to put it — the American voting system has fallen apart. It’s not happening, it has already happened. What we witnessed in Memphis was emblematic of a bigger-picture problem. In July alone, allegations and convictions of vote fraud arose throughout the country in dozens of different locations. It has become disturbingly commonplace, and dangerously under-reported.

    The only other investigation we’ve seen into the Memphis vote fraud story was this on-scene TV news spot by local ABC affiliate News Channel 3. The sense of frustration and outrage is palpable. We also direct you to The Brad Blog, which also gave the story some much-needed in-depth coverage.

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    Where’s the Oil? UNC Scientists Demonstrate BP Oil Spill Fluid Dynamics

    One of the interesting things we learned in the fluids lab at UNC was that the oil coming out of the BP Macando well was probably coming out at between 100 and 300 degrees F meeting water that was just above freezing. that alone combined with its great velocity would be enough to cause it to entrain sea water and become neutrally or negatively buoyant and form cloud layers. The professors told us that the smaller the droplets of oil the longer they will persist in the ocean in stratified layers. BTW -- The oil was hot because it was coming from so far deep in the earth. Great thanks to UNC Chapel Hill and Professor Roberto Camassa and Professor Rich McLaughlin.

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    Where is the Oil Going? More BP Oil Spill Scientific Analysis at UNC

    Here is some more technical information on how the BP oil is flavoring the Gulf of Mexico in layers like a sludgy wet cake.

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    Bishop Long? Really?

    What can you say about a man who admits he’s not perfect after being accused of molesting children.

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    Florida Mad at Louisiana for Allowing Offshore Drilling – Interview with ABC Media Correspondent

    Interview with Laurie Bernstein of the TV station WEAR, an ABC affiliate. She explains how pissed off Florida residents are that Louisiana allowed deepwater offshore drilling, resulting in the BP deepwater horizon oil spill.

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    On the Bus: Generator Problems

    Near Pensacola, FL, generator problems are changing our plans and we’re heading home taking a western route for better temps and less traffic. i’ll try and find a new thermostat and change out on the road but it’s Saturday today.

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